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Raw Herbs  Health Remedies

Cardiovascular diseases
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Useful herbs

Abelmoschus moschatus

Stomach disorders,hysteria and as an aphrodisiac (seed); venereal diseases and sexual disorders (in men).The roots, seeds, and sometimes leaves, are used in traditional Indian medicines for a variety of illnesses including intestinal complaints, constipation, dyspepsia, and gonorrhea (Oudhia, 2001a).Roots and leaves are cures for gonorrhea (Agharkar 1991). Even use against venomous reptiles has been reported (Lindley 1985). The poultice of leaves and roots are used for boils, cystitis, fever, headache, rheumatism and vericose vein.

Aesculus hippocastanum

Reduces fluid retention by increasing the permeability of the capillaries and allowing the re-absorption of excess fluid back into the circulatory system, for the treatment of a wide range of venous diseases, including hardening of the arteries, varicose veins, phlebitis, leg ulcers, haemorrhoids and frostbite (plant); in the treatment of malaria and dysentery, externally in the treatment of lupus and skin ulcers (tea from bark); fevers and whooping cough (leaves); in the treatment of rheumatism, neuralgia and haemorrhoids (seeds)

Aesculus indica

In edema (plant extract); leucorrhea (root); whooping cough (leaf) and vascular disorders (such as hemorrhoids , varicose veins and phlebitis); astringent, acrid and narcotic (seeds); for skin disease and rheumatism (oil from seed); the seed is given to horses suffering from colic; an anthelmintic on horses.

Alkanna tinctoria

In the treatment of varicose veins, indolent ulcers, bed sores and itching rashes.

Calendula arvensis

As a tonic, for regulating menstruation, in jaundice and ulcers of the stomach (flower); for skin problems and is applied externally to bites and stings, sprains, wounds, sore eyes, varicose veins etc

Cannabis sativa

In hydrocele (bark); anorexia, urinary tract problems (including bladder inflammation), cancer and tumors, common cold, corns, cough, depression and as a psychological aid, glaucoma, gonorrhea, nausea, for sores, varicose veins, gout and rheumatism, in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, anthrax, asthma, blood poisoning, constipation caused by debility or fluid retention

Capsicum annuum

For atony of the intestines and stomach, indigestion, dipsomania, catarrh, relieving chronic congestion, relaxed uvula (tincture powder), as a powerful external rubefacient (without blistering), in lumbago, rheumatism and neuralgia. It is taken internally in the treatment of the cold stage of fevers, debility in convalescence or old age, varicose veins, asthma and digestive problems. Externally it is used in the treatment of sprains, unbroken chilblains, neuralgia, pleurisy etc. It is an effective sea-sickness preventative. It is useful for Bursitis, Diabetic neuropathy, Osteoarthritis, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Shingles (herpes zoster) and postherpetic neuralgia. Cayenne pepper exerts a number of beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

Cassia fistula

In tuberculosis, reducing fever and as a tonic (seed and fruit), in rheumatism, gout, blood poisoning, dysentery, anthrax, diabetes, leprosy, liver problems (including biliousness) and for varicose veins (including shrinking them) (pod pulp).

Dalbergia sissoo

Eye diseases and gonorrhea (leaf); cholera, effective in bleeding piles, menorrhagia and in varicose veins (bark); in gonorrhoea (leaves decoction); in leprosy, boils and eruptions and to allay vomiting (wood).

Fagopyrum esculentum

For hemorrhoids, circulatory system problems such as vericose ulcers, veins, in colic, choleic, diarrhoea and abdominal obstructions (plant); for bruises in the patients of rheumatoid arthritis (leaves); for restoring the flow of milk in nursing mothers (poultice from the seeds)

Galium odoratum

To wounds and cuts, in the treatment of digestive and liver problems. In thrombophlebitis and varicose veins; digestive maladies, insomnia and irritability (related to nervousness) and as a diuretic for those with hypertension.

Hypericum perforatum

As an antidepressant, in mania, apathy, hypersomnia, and insomnia, anorexia, psychomotor retardation, depression feelings of worthlessness, anxiety disorders and aids in healing wounds and ulcers (for nervous disorders. the drug may take as long as a month before any effects are noticed). It is also used for menopausal changes triggering irritability and anxiety. In addition to neuralgic pain, it will ease fibrositis, sciatica and rheumatic pain.

Externally it is a healing and anti-inflammatory remedy. As a lotion it will speed the healing of wounds and bruises, varicose veins and mild burns. The oil is especially useful for the healing of sunburn. It has the calming properties, useful in treating bedwetting, insomnia, and other nervous conditions, as well as some form of melancholy. An oil extract of the herb can be taken for stomach ache, colic, intestinal problems, and as an expectorant for the congestion in the lungs. A tea made from the flowers is good for anemia, headache, insomnia, jaundice, chest congestion, and catarrh. A tea made from the herb has been used for uterine cramping and menstrual difficulties. The oil extract also make a good external application for burns, wounds, sores, bruises, and other skin problems.

Paeonia emodi

Problems with the nervous system, dropsy, biliousness, diseases of the uterus, colic, epilepsy, blood purifier for children, for cuts and sores (caused by maggots) (root); dysentery (cooked young shoots and leaves); hysteria, convulsions, colic, uterine diseases and obstructions of the bile duct (tubers); as a treatment for diarrhoea, cough, haemorrhoids and varicose veins (dried flowers).

Pimenta racemosa

Used to treat adenopathy, cancer, chest cold, diarrhea, dyspepsia, edema, elephantiasis, fever, headache, nausea, pleurisy, pneumonia, rheumatism, toothache, varicosis and vertigo.

Polygonum aviculare

Maladies of the respiratory tract, such as asthma and bronchitis, useful in diarrhoea, bleeding piles, all haemorrhages, in strangury and as an expellant of stone. The decoction was also administered to kill worms. An alcohol-based preparation has been used with success to treat varicose veins of recent origin. Applied externally, it is an excellent remedy to stay bleeding of the nose and to treat sores.

Symphytum officinale

For healing wounds, in hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers, thromboses, inflamed tendons and joints and long-term bone and joint diseases.

Trillium erectum

To aid childbirth, as a treatment for irregular menstrual periods, period pains and excessive vaginal discharge, ulcers (especially varicose), skin complaints, gangrene, insect bites and stings, as a wash for sore nipples.

Verbascum densiflorum

In upper respiratory tract maladies, especially those associated with catarrh,chills and cough; as an antispasmodic and diuretic in maladies of children; in inflammations within the bowel, hemorrhoids and as a fomentation for varicose ulcers.

Vitis vinifera

Grapes are a nourishing and slightly laxative fruit that support the body through illness, especially of the gastro-intestinal tract and liver. Because the nutrient content of grapes is close to that of blood plasma, grape fasts are recommended for detoxification. A period of time on a diet based entirely on the fruit is especially recommended in the treatment of torpid liver or sluggish biliary function. The fruit is also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. It has a slight effect in easing coughs.A decoction is used in the treatment of threatened abortion, internal and external bleeding, cholera, dropsy, diarrhoea and nausea. It is also used as a wash for mouth ulcers and as douche for treating vaginal discharge. Red grape leaves are also helpful in the treatment of varicose veins, haemorrhoids and capillary fragility. It is used as a remedy for skin diseases and is also an excellent lotion for the eyes. The tendrils are astringent and a decoction is used in the treatment of diarrhoea. The seeds and leaves are astringent, the leaves being formerly used to stop haemorrhages and bleeding. It is used dried and powdered as a cure for dysentery in cattle. The sap, termed a tear or lachryma, forms an excellent lotion for weak eyes and specks on the cornea. Ripe grapes in quantity influence the kidneys producing a free flow of urine and are apt to cause palpitation in excitable and full-blooded people.

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